♔ You don't.
posted on Sunday, July 24, 2011 @ 1:19 PM | 1 comment(s) | add a comment.
It feels as though my hopes/expectations are all emptied out.
And it spells disappointment.
Disappointment hurts.
Hellaa lots.
Especially when it comes from someone whom you thought will care. the most.
Okay, maybe not.
Now i don't even dare to expect anymore.
Sometimes, it's not about the things you say that hurts more.
It's about the things you don't.
Thats hurts most.
Issue's not settled yet sighh.
Seriously don't wanto repeat my sem/gpa depleting to a 1.0 from a 3.46.
Cause of this absolutely, ridiculous, frivolous small, minor matter.
Been at the brink of depression due to this idiotic, horrid incident.
Just imagine the feeling i had when my SSM instructor said : "You only have 4 more sessions to go..."
I was like..." Yeaaa right, i dont even know if it really will be the last 4 sessions,for me.."
Nevertheless, God sent an angel throughout this midst of time.
To help me pull through this horrid period.
From a person whom i never did really know beforehand.
Which the more makes it....hard to believe.
If someone whom i don't even know actl cared/noticed so much about me, why.....
pfft, nevermind.